So, I made the comment that yesterday’s picture didn’t look quite right with the horizon made truly horizontal. Then I went to work and was questioned about that statement (that it was unclear, not that I was necessarily wrong, though that’s likely too).
Here’s the same picture, “properly” aligned – and it’s a subtle difference, and I can’t fully explain it but it still looks more right in the above version – particularly when viewed on it’s own, full screen when there are not lines of text near enough to form a visual reference. It’s not even the shoreline alignment, because the based on the maximum protrusion of the break walls into the lake as a line, the picture below has a more horizontal shoreline as well. Maybe it’s the clouds being slightly further from the horizon on the right, or maybe it’s the asymmetry of the pond in the foreground (I greatly dislike asymmetry).
Second comment – after coming home and looking at this picture again, nearer full-screen, I realize that I don’t like the foreground as bright as it is. There’s not really anything interesting about the details of the foreground, so it’s mostly distraction. At the moment, I think the version below looks better – but I’ll probably change my mind on this as well. I’m not sure I really have a point and I should probably apologize for making you read this far if indeed you have.