My bike is broken… this half saddens me and half pisses me off. I just bought new wheels since my rim cracked. Now the fork is stripped. If I replace it, the frame and seat post will be pretty much the only original structural parts left. So, the debate – to continue replacing parts, or to admit that the bike is about 10 years old and just get a new one. I really like mine – particularly the size. It’s officially a mountain bike, but it has a larger than normal frame, is geared higher than normal, and has minimal suspension (none of the modern 4-5″ of travel shit).
Plus, buying a new one means I have to figure out what one I want and all that shit – then it’s off to see how long that one will last… Do I just go without a bike? That’s a less than pleasant prospect for me, since as soon as it’s warm enough I will (or would) pretty much ride my bike everywhere. This is the second round of repairs to my bike – last summer I did the gears and bracket… it just makes me wonder what will go wrong next if I do buy a replacement fork.
Build a new one from scrap parts exactly how you want it.