Over the past few weeks it’s occurred to me how much more time than normal it takes to accomplish certain tasks. There a slight issue with language, but it’s more the unfamiliarity with the procedures. When in an unfamiliar area, tasks that would be standard at home need to be thought through and planned. I can’t just walk out the front door and head to where I want to go – I need to write down street names so I don’t get lost along the way. I can’t just hop in my car and go, I have to get directions to my destination from the concierge and then wait for a cab. I can’t just grab a component to swap out and try a different value. I can’t just go grab something to eat at the vending machine without asking someone where it is and how to get there.
Some of these things are small, some are not. All in all it adds up to everything taking just a bit more time and effort than you’d give it credit for in a familar setting. I think this is a big part of why I (as well as others reportedly) typically feel more tired when traveling than when at home.