Todays events:
Go to Wal*Mart and buy cheap ammo
Go to Galyans, Mark buys a 12 guage.
Notice that Galyans has a nice sea kayak for $1499 – must work on finding some Galyans employee to buy it for me at 30% discount
Go to shooting range, shoot Mark’s 12 guage and 20 guage
Go back to Galyans, I buy a 12 guage
Come home, admire new weaponry
Go wandering looking for friends at tailgate parties
Find $25 on the ground, pick it up
Malizabeth enters stadium, I go say hi to Uncle Larry
I wander around looking for someone selling cheap tickets, but alas, everyone thinks they’re going to get $50 for a ticket half way through the game
I stop at Kathy’s & watch the second half of the game
I realize that MSU sucks and am glad I didn’t waste any money on a ticket
Go home, order chinese
Drive over to Megan’s to pick up Josh’s lazy bum ass
Talk to Josh about Erin getting Galyans discount 😀
Eat chinese
Oooooooohhhhh So sleek and shiney.
like yo momma, biaaaaatch!!!!!