
I got my new (replacement) phone. In transferring my data over, I noticed that there is a picture missing from my old phone. I do not think I deleted it. This makes me think someone else deleted it. Getting the picture back is not critical in my life, but the fact that someone would delete something from my phone bothers me. I think I am generally a trusting person, so it sucks to find out that someone would take advantage of this.

This kind of thing has happened before with Josh’s camera. There was a pretty picture of Doug schuper in hand, playing Mrs. Packman which mysteriously got deleted. Fortunately for Josh, and unfortunately for the one who deleted the picture – I had some media recovery software on hand :-D. So, the picture is alive and well.

—— New thought ——

I have a pistol sitting loose in my room right now. This goes against many firearm rules I’m sure. But it’s nice to just see it sitting there, calling my name, saying “Pick me up and feel my weight in your hands.” I don’t have ammo for said pistol, but I’ll be getting some soonish then I’ll have to go shoot. 😀

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

4 Responses to Jerks

  1. fledermausmann says:

    My phone doesnt need anyone to tamper with it, it just deletes shit at random. It especially likes to forget voice dials, but I have lost some phone records too. The best part is when I go to add them back, it informs me that the number is already stored on the phone. Anyway.

  2. surly_bastard says:

    What kind of phone do you have? You work for Motorola – can’t you get some cutting edge, knock your socks off amazing replacement?

  3. fledermausmann says:

    actually i work for Freescale, so no dice there. Ive got this LG PM-325, which i think is a decent phone. The basic idea is that my carrier, Sprint, only has so many phones to choose from. One of these days I am going to take it back and see if they will swap it for something else.

  4. surly_bastard says:

    Well, yes, but Freescale was Motorola – that has to count for something…

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