WW Kayaking was fun… cold, but fun. I swam once, which if you saw the rapids we went through might make you laugh. I rolled many a time and got some water up my nose several times making it all stuffy right now.
This was my first WW experience. It was a good learning time, and I am glad that the learning was done at the Chippewa rather than somewhere more crazy. It doesn’t look like much from outside the water, and in a rec boat it is easy to just zip through, but for actually practicing white water skills and learning it was plenty. I also learned that I might want to get a different boat – the stern on mine is quite low volume and if I don’t conciously lean forward I will catch an edge and get dumped.
So, thumbs up to white water. Other aspects of today were not so amazing, but the people for whom I deem knowledge of this useful have it, and the rest of you shall simply have to remain in the dark.