Green Day

I listened to Green Day for about 8 hours today… 8 hours / 12 songs / 4 minutes per song. You do the math.

I want to be the minority
I don’t need your authority
Down with the moral majority
‘Cause I want to be the minority

I pledge allegiance to the underworld
One nation under dog
There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd
Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt
Singled out
The only way I know

I want to be the minority
I don’t need your authority
Down with the moral majority
‘Cause I want to be the minority

Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know

One light, one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
“For crying out loud” she screamed unto me
A free for all
F*** ’em all
You are your own sight

I want to be the minority
I don’t need your authority
Down with the moral majority
‘Cause I want to be the minority

Kind of needless to say, It has not enhanced my mood one bit.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

2 Responses to Green Day

  1. tlzita says:


  2. surly_bastard says:

    For the sake of being pissy I think. It’s also good music to listen to when working out.

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