Girl Scouts

Me: “I’m going kayaking with a bunch of girl scouts.”
Al: “That sounds like a very bad inuendo.”

Anyway – this evening I went to Lake Lansing to help some of our kayak instructors put on a class for girl scouts to get their kayaking merit badges.

It started out with Todd and Linda doing some on shore presenting. We then got them in PFDs and boats and in the water. The first thing was having them do a wet exit – which is the most difficult part of the class. But, it more or less has to be done for liability purposes to make sure anyone can get out of their boat if necessary. I got to demo this to the group 😛 not that you see much when someone tips over and the gets out of their boat.

Once they were all able to do that, they started working on the different strokes. Then the strokes are put to use in various games – follow the leader, tag and a race. The class ends with boat walking, which is just the group rafting up and one by one walking across the bows of the line of boats.

For this very last part, I got to use their leader’s D50 to take some pictures. Nice camera. I like the feel of mine better, but I like the review LCD on that one better, and maybe also the status LCD (b/w one) which seems to show more info than mine.

So, the scouts thing was fun. I was a little anxious about helping run things, but everything worked out well.

On the way home I finally got my tour of Domino’s. 😛 I also bought the spicy Korean ramen which I added a few things to and ended up making some very good soup out of.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

2 Responses to Girl Scouts

  1. anonymous says:

    Girl Scouts rock. I’m pretty sure we completed a slightly scaled-down version of that very course at the Eastern Michigan University pool in the ’90s. All I remember were the wet exits. :-p

  2. tlzita says:

    spicy Korean Ramen seems over priced at like 79 cents a pop instead of 8 cents. But it is worth it. Especially with egg and mushroom added.

    You were the kayak expert.

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