Yesterday Doug and I met Josh at Cannonsburg ski area. I snowboarded for the second time, thanks to a board loan from my brother. Doug was boarding also, and Josh was going to, but it was freaky cheap night and they rented all their boards within 10 minutes of 5pm. This was my first time on a real hill and not under the close supervision of distractingly attractive instructor ladies.
I made it down the hill several times without falling, and not buy scraping the whole way. I’m happy with my progress. Today various parts of me hurt. Some in a good way, some in a not so good. My former experience prompted me to craft myself an ass pad and wear knee pads which prevented a great deal of hurt. Wrist and knee are hurting in a not so good way. I’m guessing I have at least a minor sprain in the wrist and a pull / over rotation in my knee. Neither justify medical attention though, for which I am thankful.
Will have to try this game agan when my board arrives. Boots and bindings have been acquired, adjusted and are ready for action.
Snowboarding definitely gives new excitement to the 200 ft. high shit heaps in lower Michigan. That being said, Cannonsburg’s lift exits SUCK and resulted in my knee pain today.
The goal of this of course is to be semi-competent by Maine in two weeks.
to what part of maine are you going
For some reason, I am having a hard time picturing you being distracted by attractive instructor ladies.
It’s probably the covert gayness.
when you drive past my apartment, give me a call and I will provide you with beer and food.
The part that holds Sugarloaf Mountain. Which is kind of Mid-west Maine I guess. We’re also going to Jay Peak at the end of the week, which is in Vermont me thinks.
I hide my emotions / feelings very well when I want to, and sometimes when I don’t want to also.
I’m so glad my post about snowboarding has been turned into an assault on my sexuality.
I think you of all people would know the extent of my gayness.
We will be in Canada through Montreal most likely.
That was why I was so amazingly surprised to hear someone suggest it.