Bike Helmets

Much to my delight, my head is not mush right now because of my helmet. I kind of was going too fast into the turn from Hagadorn to Shaw. I should have been in the car lane and then all would have been fine, but I wasn’t, I was wider in the turn because there was a car coming up in the car lane. Well, I ended up too wide in the turn and in the mental debate between getting hit by the car or hitting the curb, the curb seemed the better option.

So, I hit it, kind of hard. I went over the handle bars and flew a little ways. I landed at the grass / dirt and sidewalk junction. My shoulder took most of the hit on the grass and my helmet took a fair bit on the sidewalk. My lower body apparently contined over and came down on the sidewalk because I can tell I kicked it pretty hard with my left heel.

Some pictures after the break

My pictorial representation of what happened. The blue is me, the red is the car and the yellow is what I intended to do before realizing where the car would be.

When you hit a curb at 20 miles and hour this happens… sucks, but not too big a problem because when my back rim got destructed some time ago I bought a set so I still have the old and good front wheel as a spare.

When they say that these things are good for one impact only, they just might be right. I kind of have a spare, but there’s a reason I replaced it. New one to be acquired – conveniently they are currently on sale, I’m considering getting two.

I don’t have a spare brake lever though, fortunately new ones are also on sale and thus kind of not too expensive:

And, the only real visible damage to me:

I’m not entirely sure why I like documenting my own stupidity for y’all… I’m passing it off as a public service anouncement in favor of bike helmets.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

One Response to Bike Helmets

  1. tlzita says:

    I am very very glad you weren’t injured.

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