First Bumps of the Season

Thursday Josh and I took a work trip out to visit Applinetics in Grand Haven. The trip was mainly to investigate developments in the coils and magnets we used. As usual, I’ll shy away from the details just in case people who shouldn’t see this do.

Josh and I took boats with us, so afterward, we went out on Lake Michigan. Wind was coming out of the West and according to NOAA was kicking up 1-3ft waves. Most were around the 2ft mark, except when breaking when they might have peaked near the 3ft claim.

We first checked out the North side of the channel / pier. With the wave reflection off the pier, it would have made for good practice, but there were no consistent surfable waves. Driving around to the South side saw some better protection and a nice distinction between the leeward side of the pier and the clean waves coming in. We carried over the beach, which during prime season is not technically allowed, and launched near the far end of the swim area.

As usual it took me a bit to get warmed up and comfortable with the motion of the water and my boat on top of it. Once that phase was complete we both got many decent rides off the waves. They were small enough to not really be pushy, but still srufable with some effort. We also had a chance to try out a few rescues in these conditions. Despite all our practice over the years, these were probably the biggest conditions we had done rescues in thus far (with the exception of Todd’s rescuing me last year when we were surfing at North Shore Park.

Now I’m anxious to get out again, specifically for some more waves.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

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