It’s a flower that I took a picture of years ago in Florida with my old C-2040z. I’m not even sure what kind of flower it is (updated – it’s a Hibiscus), I just like it because it’s a simple flower. Oh, and it’s red.
This was on the grounds of a timeshare that my parents have in Florida. On this day, we weren’t doing anything in specific and I can only stand a certain, limited amount of time getting sunburned by a pool, so I was wandering around taking pictures of whatever stuff I found. Most of the manmade structures are repetitive and boring, so stuff mostly meant flora & fauna. I’ve been there a few times – I think I have a pile of pictures from various places near by, likely the overall volume winner goes to Busch Gardens.
Picture taken with Olympus C-2040z, 7.3mm (42mm equivalent), f/3.2, 1/400 sec shutter, ISO 100