I’m still out of money… I have decided to quit eating to conserve funds. Maybe sell some shit too – who knows – kidney anyone??? It’s in good condition, I promise. Actually, I think a testicle would be the first body part to go. It’s one thing you are truly no worse off with only one of. It’s also one sellable part that others could notice missing – although the others who would notice would certainly be few.
Coming into work on the weekend would also be a theoretically acceptable method of making money. Especially since I get paid monthly, so I’d see a quick return on this weekend’s efforts. Hmmm… maybe I can keep my nuts after all. 😛
It doesn’t help matters that my last two rent checks, and one that I owe but haven’t yet written haven’t been cashed so I have to keep sufficient funds available for that.
In other news, I found this particularly funny… not the whole article, just the first part with the slides… College Hummor Article. I’d repost the slides only, but that might be copyright infringement and that’s naughty. Oh, and FYI I read pretty much everything on the college humor front page yesterday evening.
Matthew is the only man I know who would want to sell his balls. Sell one to me, I’ll keep it in a jar. I’ll pay 58 cents. Plus shipping.
Damn… well, good think I wasn’t banking on nut sales to make my cash.
PS. That is not a pleasant thought.