It’s 4:30… apparently I’m done sleeping for the night… Denny’s anyone? 😛
I think I should pare down my buddy list some too. I have 182 names on it, including some people I don’t even know. Other’s I have not talked to in 5+ years if ever.
Now for some early morning insights:
Dream as if you will live forever. Live like you will die tomorrow.
I claim that despite the nice warm fuzzy feeling of the above statement, it is bad advice. If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, yes, I would act differently than I do now. Who, if they knew they would die tomorrow would ever go to work for their last day on earth? Being bold / rash / impulsive tomorrow could have lasting negative effects on the days beyond tomorrow, which I would have to deal with
For the other half – Dream as if you will live forever. I claim this is also poor advice. First of all – it’s impossible, you cannot dream of anything that will happen in ‘forever’ amount of time. You can keep adding dreams, but it’s like trying to count to infinity. Secondly, you will not live forever – so you’d be better off to limit your dreams to something that can be accomplished over your lifetime. Granted, this may be only part of a larger vision, that someone else has to carry on. Leaving something half done can be no more useful than having done nothing at all.