Insights round two:
Focus on the Bible verse about noticing the plank in your eye before the speck in your neighbors. If you’re not a Bible person, don’t worry, it’s still good to think about.
It is funny / sad to listed to people rant about the flaws of others when you realize that they have the same or equivalent flaws. I have witnessed this so many times, with varying degrees of similarity between the flaw and the person ranting. It’s not so much that I really care, but it seems like people would know themselves better.
I am not claiming I never do this, but it is something that I try to avoid. Also, I realize that there is an inherent trace of hypocrisy in these statements since I am in theory pointing out flaws – at least on a general level.
This is not targeted at a specific person by any means – it’s just my thoughts, so for those who read this, don’t get all crazily self conscious or start thinking I hate you.