Here is the photo that should have gone with yesterday’s write up. This is the best picture I have to show the actual dune at the Lake Michigan Overlook of Pierce Stocking Drive. I don’t have anything new or creative to say about it, but I will confirm that I have, more than once I think, climbed down and back up this dune.
The picture alone doesn’t really convey how steep this is, so I was looking for that info. I didn’t find it, but I did find a new nugget of info at the official Dune Climb of Sleeping Bear Dunes is a very rare “falling dune” since it is on the back side, relative to the prevailing winds out of the West, of the sand mass next to the lake. It is also about 130ft tall to the top of the first dune, which is what you see from the parking lot, meaning the Pierce Stocking dune is over 3x as tall.
Picture taken with Canon 60D, EF-S 10-22mm lens @ 10mm, accidentally f/11 , 1/320 sec shutter, ISO 100