About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

Lake of the Angels

I looked at yesterday’s picture a second time after it was posted and was rather disappointed.  I think the posted version looks muddy to me – which makes some sense because a RAW file has no added sharpening, contrast or saturation adjustments.  Here’s a comparison of what was posted vs…. Continue reading

Oregon – Day 1 – Portland

It started with a notion that Portland, Oregon would be a nice city to visit.  With the house search happening, the notion was not receiving much commitment nor planning.  But, since the house dealings were all in order and there wasn’t really anything for me to do but wait, Janet… Continue reading

Rock Licking Mountain Goat

One more of the mountain goat that we came upon at the top of Mt. Ellinor.  They lick the rocks scavenging salt.  There are plentiful warnings that they will also lick / nibble / attack people to get at their sweaty and thus salty clothes. Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL… Continue reading


These incredibly blue hydrangeas were blooming along the road and at the ranger station in Olympic National Forrest.  I waited too long to try to get a picture of one though and the sun was pretty high and bright by that time. Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm lens… Continue reading