About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

Key West Art

You can blame Michael for making me think of the Key West folder and the recent bout of dumb sculpture pictures.  Here’s another which I don’t have a better name for than generic Key West art – looks like a painted metal snake plant to me. Picture taken with Olympus… Continue reading

T-Rex Sculpture

Another from the Key West sculpture garden – taken years before Artprize made big, coarse, welded metal structures cool.  Of course, it was also taken with the state of the art Olympus C-2040z making use of both of its megapixels to record Mr. T-Rex in such fine detail. Picture taken… Continue reading


There’s nothing particularly notable about this building and courtyard in Japan and I’m not even sure what the building is.  I still find it kind of picturesque, probably just because of how clean everything in Japan is kept.  I think I stayed at the hotel from where this was taken two… Continue reading