xkcd Comic
I’m entertained…
Some pictures I took on my way home today. They might have been better taken yesterday, but alas I didn’t have my camera with me. I certainly would have liked to have a tripod, since taking 1/3 – 1 second pictures by hand is rough. (I took 30 trying to… Continue reading
This post is going to cover the last week of my life. That means you chance getting bored by the end, so I’ll try to compartmentalize stuff so you can skip without worry of getting confused. Break part 1: I went up to TC for Christmas week. First night back,… Continue reading
If you have never done so read about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I particularly like the fact that RAmen is the official end to all prayers.
It feels like the list of things one hundred percent right in my life right now is quite short. Still sick apparently, so health is not on said list. This weekend I pretty much accomplished going to Meijer. How useless. The upside to my life? I lost 3 lbs literally… Continue reading
http://www.fakeyourspace.com/ Socially shunned in the real world: go to My Space. Socially shunned at My Space: fake friends!
Synopsis of the weekend: Headed up North late Wednesday. Got there early Thursday. Woke up late Thursday. Thursday afternoon, went out hunting in Cedar: no deer. Thursday night, nice TG style dinner with family. Friday, didn’t get up early. Parents went Friday shopping, for the first time in several years…. Continue reading
The concert was quite good. His music is good, although as discussed on the return, it would likely never make mainstream radio and thus he will likely never be nationally recognized. I assume he writes more of his own stuff than the average country star type, which is another plus…. Continue reading
So, as you all know from your dedicated reading of my bullshit, I have internet via my neighbor. I have forgone the giant parabolic reflector around a d-link omni antenna in favor of a 5″ x 10″ double biquad. This gets me nearly 2x the signal strength of the parabolic… Continue reading