Mammoth Hot Springs

Looking up at the Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone – kind of the opposite view of the previous tree picture.  Had to climb on the railing to get high enough to just barely see into the pool in the middle there. Picture taken with Canon 60D, EF-S 10-22mm lens @ 10mm,… Continue reading

Bryce Canyon Hoodoos

This picture is from the day at Bryce Canyon in Utah.  As mentioned when I posted the bulk of the pictures before, this was mostly a midday visit and getting good pictures was difficult.  On one hand, the contrast was very high due to the bright sun and abundance of… Continue reading

Willis Canyon

Second shot from in Willis Canyon, taken about 5 hours later and showing off the fun subjective portion of photography.  It’s the same place as the previous picture, and the color balance of both looks “right” to me.  This one was taken late in the evening, so the yellow sunset… Continue reading

Willis Canyon

I was all excited to post a few more pictures of the slot canyons in Grand Staircase Escalante, but as it turns out, I have already posted what I thought were the best shots back here.  None the less here’s one more… this is Willis Canyon.  It wasn’t a major… Continue reading

Navajo Arch

Back to Arches, because I was told that this should be today’s picture.  This is from inside Navajo Arch.  We were there just after rain, so there was a small pond going on.  I was able to get past the water, thanks in part to waterproof boots and for most… Continue reading