Cherry Festival Airshow

Cherry Festival Airshow 2015 – Air Force Thunderbirds.  I’m surprised I got this picture at all because of how they came over from the side.  I believe this was the full afterburner run, thus the orange flame seen in the jet. Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm lens @… Continue reading


Just happened to be heading out for some kayaking when the Algoway was backing out of the Grand Haven channel.  Thanks to the giant ship, you can’t see smoke from the recently extinguished camper fire in Grand Haven State Park. Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm lens @ 18mm,… Continue reading

Smoky Mountains 2015 – Day 4

Smoky Mountains Day 4 itinerary: 6:30 – got to Cades Cove (sunrise) Drove two loops around Cades Cove Started hiking Middle-Prong trail Turned back due to rain Stopped at “The Sinks” Returned to hotel – nap 4:30 – Chimney’s Trail 7:00 – return to trailhead Bear sighting Drove through Gatlinburg… Continue reading

Smoky Mountains 2015 – Day 3

Smoky Mountains Day 3 itinerary: Slept in (forecast of rain) 11:30 – stopped at NOC for a hat 12:00 – Alum trail to Mt. LaConte 7:00 – return to trailhead Return to hotel, made dinner Went to Morton Overlook for sunset It was supposed to rain on Saturday, so we… Continue reading

Smoky Mountains 2015 – Day 2

Smoky Mountains Day 2 itinerary: Stupid early – drive to Clingman’s Dome Nap in Clingman’s Dome parking lot 9:00 – Hiked to Clingman’s Dome Continue down the Appalachian Trail Fail to find Siler’s Bald 4:30 – return to Clingman’s Dome lot Returned to hotel Day 2’s itinerary really only had… Continue reading