
Crater Lake Sunrise with HDR.  Yes, we got up early for this shot which, unless you know the camera is pointed East, is indistinguishable from a Sunset.  Sunrises and sunsets are always kind of a crap-shoot because you have no control over them yet the entire activity is just showing… Continue reading

Phantom Ship

The “Phantom Ship” in Crater Lake… an unnatural combination of three separate photos with some generous tone mapping thrown in for good measure.  Taken as sunset was approaching from the other side of Crater Lake (Wizard Island is just behind the right tree). Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm… Continue reading

Crater Lake Sunset

Sunset Sunday!  Sunset over Crater Lake last week, not the greatest as sunsets go, but there were a few moments where the clouds looked cool, and the setting was pretty awesome.  I think this one would look better with a bit of adjustment, but I don’t have that accessible at… Continue reading

Grand Island North Beach

One of a few shots from GLSKS taken with the Sony – which spent most of it’s time tucked away in a dry bag.  I (and others) attempted this trip a few years back and didn’t make it.  This time the group made it to the North end of Grand… Continue reading

Cherry Festival Airshow

Cherry Festival Airshow 2015 – Coast Guard demonstration swimmer.  This was taken on day two and for the most part I was kayaking, but I landed for a bit during the Coast Guard rescue demo since I had better location than the day before for pictures. Picture taken with Sony… Continue reading