Mt. Laconte Lodge

The Mt. Laconte Lodge at, you can probably guess, the top of Mt. Laconte.  You can rent cabins there for an overnight stay at the top of the mountain, which, with a little additional planning can be made into a small through hike with light packs since they have beds,… Continue reading

Upper Thornapple Dam

I got off the water just in time to avoid the lightning, but the clouds were pretty cool looking so I lurked around the park just under the upper Thornapple River dam to take some pictures. Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm lens @ 18mm, 1/80 sec shutter, f/8,… Continue reading

Moonrise over Reed’s Lake

Took an evening to experiment with moonrise photography and took this one of the moonrise over Reed’s Lake in East Grand Rapids. I think the key to moon photography is having a clear view of something interesting but far away to make a foreground.  I only partially succeeded in this… Continue reading

Smoky Mountains 2015 – Day 1

Smoky Mountains Day 1 itinerary: 9:30pm (CT) – depart Chicago (Midlothian) Drove through the night 8:30am – arrive in the Smoky Mountains Stopped at Sugarlands visitor center Headed to Ramsey Falls (+ coffee) 10:20 – started hike 12:15 – arrived at the fall 1:15 – start descent 3:30 – return… Continue reading

Chimneys Trail

The trail up to the Chimneys in the Smoky Mountains.  There is supposedly a gorgeous panoramic view at the top.  It was white for 360 degrees, but we kind of anticipated that given the fog on the trail which was pretty cool in and of itself. Picture taken with Sony… Continue reading

Stinking Benjamin

The rare, and much sought after, Stinking Benjamin!  A red variety of trillium that we were keeping an eye out for the entire trip.  From Wikipedia: “The flowers have the smell of rotting meat, as they are pollinated by flies.” Picture taken with Sony a6000, SEL 18-200mm lens @ 39mm,… Continue reading