About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

Engelberg Mountains

Engelberg, Switzerland is still possibly the most picturesque little town I’ve ever been to.  It seemed like it must have been completely kept in existence by tourism, but it didn’t have the level of commercialization that it seems most ski areas do. “It’s a German legend, there’s always going to… Continue reading

Washington – Day 6 & 7 – Olympic National Park

We actually got up early and left Aberdeen right around 7AM headed for the Mt. Ellinor trail head which we reached around 9:00.  I think there were two trail heads for Mt. Elinore and we were heading for the upper, which involved many miles of bumpy dirt road to access. … Continue reading

Cairn Box – September

Review of Cairn Box #6 was delayed because apparently it arrived right after I filled out postal forwarding and thus got redirected. This is the last box in the 6 month subscription, and given what’s in it, I’m not really convinced it justifies another 6 month bout.

Mt. Washburn

The view descending Mt. Washburn – somewhere along that ridge we had to break right and cross the snow which was the most adventurous part of the hike, particularly around the edges where we’d occasionally just drop through.  Fortunately, we didn’t step on any any marmot burrows or bear dens…. Continue reading